
Attempted probe detected

Your request has been blocked as it appears to contravene accepted usage rules that have been defined on this system. This may mean malicious and/or unusually repetitive requests.

This is a temporary block and will be automatically removed in the near future. Repeated bad requests will extend this block or change it to a permanent block.

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If you believe your request has been incorrectly blocked, you should keep a full copy of this response message including the SS Code below. Then please either contact the web site owner, or phone the server administrator on +64-9-473 3381. If you get an answer service when phoning, leave a detailed message; we do not phone back for block reports.

Remember to include your contact details and the SS Code with any reports; we cannot investigate without these details. We do not want to block valid requests and will promptly investigate all reports.

SS Code: R0104-L773309

Web Server at

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